Seeing how different hybrids and varieties perform in different soils and environments can help make seed selection and in-season management easier. Johnson Seed Company manages a  location  just west of Alberta MN.

This site, Featuring Golden Harvest trials, gives you a closer look at our corn and soybean performance in conditions similar to your own.

Interested in visiting the site? Contact Scott for more information.

What you can expect to see at the Agronomy in Action site:

  • Discover how our elite genetics perform in your local field types, soil characteristics and weather conditions
  • See our proven corn performance powered by industry-leading traits
  • Learn about our broad choice of soybean herbicide trait technologies
  • Hear agronomic insights and management recommendations from your local Golden Harvest agronomist
  • Learn the importance of a seed treatment to set up a crop for early season success
  • Hear about the latest advancements in seed research and development