Johnson Seed Company Experienced, Proven, Results. how we can grow together BRANDS WE REPRESENT Seed Genetics Alfalfa Cover Crops / Agricultural Seed Traailer Axel & Supplies 5th Wheel / Bumper Towing INNOVATION - LEADING THE WAY Through continued innovation in the seed industry,crop yields have steadily gone up, while soil erosion, greenhouse gas emissions, water and energy use have all gone down, We continue to produce products that will help your bottom line. SEED LINES Corn - Golden Harvest Soybean - Golden Harvest Seed Treatments - Golden Harvest Alfalfa - Nexgrow Enogen Feed GROWTH HAPPENS TOGETHER. Address 58103 Hwy 28, Alberta, Minnesota 56207 Phone 701 238 2271 Contact Form Click to Improve your bottom line About JSC What They Say Contact Us TERMS & CONDITIONS PRIVACY POLICY SITE MAP E-LUMINATE AGRONOMY CORN SEED SOYBEAN SEED ENOGEN SEED